7 Deadly Signs Of Scarcity Mindset (And How To Beat Them)
The Scarcity Mindset is every superhero’s arch-nemesis. It clouds your mind so you can’t think, it clouds
your vision so you can’t see, and fills your body with fear and doubt. It creeps in from the least likely of
places – sometimes at school, sometimes in your community, sometimes Mom and Dad. Once you
catch it, it’s designed to keep you in it.
Fortunately, you already have the power to defeat this insidious foe. Even as you read this, you have the
authority to rid Scarcity from your mind and never let it return. Then you will be free! And your world
will have you, its superhero, back and ready to save it.
Here are 7 Deadly Signs of Scarcity Mindset and how to beat them.
TLDR: Read the bold
Sign #1: There’s Never “Enough”
Today’s culture is all about “more, more, more.” We need bigger soft drinks, fancier cars and definitely
more money. We’re under intense pressure to work harder and longer, constantly chasing a goal that
moves farther and farther away.
The good news is none of this is real. Life is not a zero-sum game where someone has to lose if someone
else wins. There’s enough for the birds to eat and raise their children, and for their children to do the
same. If there weren’t “enough,” you wouldn’t be alive right now to read this sentence.
The even better news is there’s more than enough. Think back to a time when you were overwhelmed
with joy and gratitude. I think of when I had the honor of officiating my sister’s wedding – I
experienced so much love for my sister and my new brother in law, and felt the power of the love from
everyone attending. It felt incredible. Money can’t buy all that love! But it’s available, all the same.
Beat Scarcity Mindset by replacing “There’s Never Enough” with “There’s More Than Enough.”
Sign #2: You Overly Protect Your Stuff
I’m not suggesting that you leave your doors unlocked and your valuables in the street, but was that
something you were doing in the first place? Take a look at what you have that you actively keep away
from others. What would happen if someone stole it from you? Could you share it with this person
Scarcity thrives when you believe others will take everything from you and you’ll have nothing left. Not
only does this mean you believe there’s very little you can have, but it means you believe you’re
surrounded by thieves. If you really don’t trust the people closest to you, then consider switching them
out for people you do. When I start to distrust those around me, I usually find it’s not them at all – it’s
myself I don’t trust.
This also applies to ideas and knowledge. Not sharing your ideas and information out of fear robs your
world of your gift and yourself the benefits of sharing your gift. If you’re worried someone else is going
to rip you off or beat you to the punch, ask yourself where you may have considered doing the same to
someone else.
Beat Scarcity Mindset by sharing your stuff.
Sign #3: You Only See Competitors
Life is hard enough on its own without all these other people trying to get in your way. Everywhere
there’s a new challenger trying to take your credit, stop your progress and beat you to the finish line.
The struggle is real and it’s exhausting – or so Scarcity would like you to think.
Having only competitors means you can never ask anyone for help. Showing even the slightest weakness
exposes you to deadly danger, so you’ve got to know it all, have it all and be it all. If you do have and
know it all, give me a shout at [email protected] because I’d love to talk to you about it. But it’s my
understanding so far, it’s impossible for any human being to achieve this.
The “struggle” is in our imagination, and it’s impossible. Consider a time when someone you valued
asked you for help. How did it make you feel? Did you appreciate the opportunity to help and feel some
ownership in your shared adventure? That’s the gift you give another when you seek collaboration. And
sure, you’ll run into a bully in your sandbox every once in a while. Ask yourself – is that the sandbox you
want to keep playing in?
Beat Scarcity Mindset by replacing Competition with Collaboration.
Sign #4: You Avoid Risk
I shook as my bare feet crept over the edge of the sheer rock cliff above the lake. My friends with me on
our junior high church camping trip were cheering me on to jump, but everything in my body told me I
would die if I did. A couple of the older kids had just jumped before and they were fine! But for me, I
was certain I would miss my aim and smash against the sharp rocks.
Expecting the worst is thinking small. Here I was focused on what could really have only been just a
couple negative outcomes (e.g. I got injured, I died). How many possibilities were there for a good
outcome? What about even a great or wonderful outcome?
Thankfully my friends’ cheers guided me into stretching my imagination into the positive possibilities.
My stomach curled as I pushed forward and took the jump. I still remember the rush of the air against
my skin, the wind getting louder as I fell, and the feel of the cool water as I landed safe and sound.
Clearly it’s a memory I cherish, and I’m glad I took the risk.
Beat Scarcity Mindset by embracing Risk.
Sign #5: You’re Holding On For Dear Life
I sometimes keep things around for a really long time. Sometimes a lot longer than it serves me to. I just
recently parted ways with my 20-year-old car after she just wouldn’t drive any more. We shared a lot of
memories together and it was sad to watch the truck take her away. I got attached to that car, and that
was the problem.
I felt like I was in a spaceship when I got in my new car for the first time. So many things I hated about
driving were solved by the technology in this car – and probably had been solved in cars for many years
already. I chose my attachment to my old car, and I denied myself convenience and pleasure that was
readily available for me.
Emotional attachments are harder to spot and even more important to release. Even the environment
we each grow up in can create ideas we hold on to now even though they no longer serve us. I
sometimes hold on to ideas like these because I feel I’ll have to admit I was “wrong” to release them. I’m
always pleased with the results when I get over myself and choose freedom.
Beat Scarcity Mindset by Releasing what you’re holding on to that no longer serves you.
Sign #6: You Fear Change
“Change is the only constant in life.” – Heraclitus
I like to have a clear idea of where I’m going, and I get really uncomfortable when I can’t see very far
ahead. I really don’t like driving behind tall trucks where I can’t see the road or the traffic in front of me.
When I can’t move out of the lane, it takes me some time to relax and understand I really only need to
pay attention to the car in front of me anyhow.
Change is happening whether you like it or not. Even your body is rebuilding itself as you’re reading
The future arrives every moment, right on time. Some changes you can plan for and others you can’t.
Some changes bring lots of joy and others bring pain. Fearing change just creates more pain, because
there’s nothing you can do to stop it.
You can choose how you think about change. Every change has positive and negative aspects, and it’s up
to you to determine which ones you’d like to see. When I settle in behind the tall truck, I have faith the
truck driver sees the road ahead and will stop and go as the traffic moves on. I relax knowing I don’t
have to try and mind everyone else’s business on the road, like I might have been doing if I could see
past the truck.
Beat Scarcity Mindset by replacing Fear with Faith.
Sign #7: You Feel Like A Victim
This is the worst sign of all and it’s Scarcity’s calling card. Scarcity wants you to believe there’s nothing
you can do about the way you feel so it can live and fester in your mind. When you believe you are
powerless to change your mind, you are indeed powerless. That’s the power of belief.
Reactive behavior is victim behavior. You lose your power when you wait for others to influence your
actions. How can you build the future of your dreams when your world is dictated by the whims of
other people and events? It’s a life of fear and uncertainty.
When you realize the truth that nothing or no one can “make” you feel any particular way, Scarcity dies.
In fact, actively choosing how you feel is the most powerful choice you will ever make. You claim your
total authority over your thoughts and actions and can drive them effectively to have the life you want.
Beat Scarcity Mindset by owning your Power.
This article is an excerpt from “How To Discover Your Superpower,” your guide to go from Scarcity to Abundance. Get your free copy now at abundancehackers.life